DHE Assam Student Unique ID – Online Registration & Correction Form

DHE Assam Student Unique ID

Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Assam makes it mandatory to generate Unique ID for all aspiring students seeking Online Admission starting from the Academic Session 2020-2021. In this regard, DHE has released a notification regarding Unique ID generation.
As per this notification, a web portal has been developed to generate Unique ID for aspiring students seeking Online Admission in various Institutions (State Universities/ Govt. & Provincialised Colleges) under Higher Education (General). The aspiring students are requested to generate the Unique ID in the Office Web Portal https://directorateofhighereducation.assam.gov.in even if they already have filled up the admission form or already taken admission.
Generation of Unique ID by students is compulsory for Online Admission.

Online Student Unique ID Details :

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Name of application process: Online Student Unique ID Generation

Name of organization:
 Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Assam

Academic session: 2023-2024

Helpline: 1800-345-1100, 0361-2724222

Email: dheonline.admission@amtron.in (Contact with your name, DOB, mobile number in the email properly)

Office address: DHE, Kahilipara, Guwahati, Assam

How to Generate DHE Assam Student Unique ID ?

Aspiring students will be able to apply for DHE Online Unique ID through the official website of the Directorate of Higher Education, Assam. They may follow below mentioned steps to complete their application process for a Unique ID for Online Admission .

  1. Scroll down, go to Important Links section .
  2. Click Generate Unique ID link .
  3. Enter all your credentials – Personal Information, Examination & Course Information and Bank Account Details as stated in the form .
  4. Click on the “I certify…” section and Hit Submit button .
  5. A successful registration will give you the unique ID. Your registration confirmation details will be sent to your Mobile Number. You must note down your generated Unique ID for future references.

Students who have already generated their Unique ID in last Academic Session need not generate the Unique ID again. The same ID shall also be used for current Academic Session. For modification of registration data, they can login and update their profile.

 Unique ID Correction Form :

Some students asked whether they can correct the DHE Assam Student Unique ID once final submission made. Yes, they can definitely make correction. Follow the below mentioned steps to do it :

  1. Scroll down, go to Important Links section.
  2. Click Update / Correction Form .
  3. Update your data: Personal Information, Examination & Course Information  & Bank Account Details as required .
  4. Hit Submit button .

Student Online ID Portal 

Here is the view how it look in the web version :

Important Dates :

  • Starting date of online registration: 5th July 2020
  • Last date of online registration: Not announced.

Some Important Points :

  • Register your information to generate the Unique ID. You must fill up the data properly and correctly.
  • Confirmation SMS will be sent to your mobile.
  • The Unique ID shall be used at the time of admission into various Govt./Provincialised Colleges and State Universities under Higher Education, Assam (General)
  • One student can generate only 1 (One) unique ID.


Important Links :

Generate your Unique ID  CLICK HERE
Official Notification Check Here
Forgot Unique ID ? Click Here
Update / Correction Form Check Here
Official Website  VISIT HERE



Generating Unique ID by students is compulsory to get admission into the educational institutions of Assam.

Students can generate online Unique ID by visiting official Directorate of Higher Education (DHE), Assam portal.

No. Each student can generate their Unique ID only once. So fill the details very carefully and properly.

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